

I am Varnika Verma

I am an architect from NIT Bhopal turned into a product designer. I have a knack for building experiences that bring people together in the digital world, the physical world, or somewhere in between while sipping gallons of coffee!

Varnika Verma Image

CodeDrills Homepage Redesign

An intuitive landing page with the goal of client acquisition for CodeDrills

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CodeDrills Recruiter Dashboard

My first project as a UX designer @ CodeDrills

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Design system @CodeDrills

Designed and shipped the pilot version of the design system.

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Redefining Calendar experience with AI

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Thanks for checking out my work 🙌🏻, Tap to look at my Resume

I'm always up for a chat ☕ Get in touch below or directly at

@2023 Varnika Verma. Made with love in India